
For a helpful tutorial on creating events in AHN Cares, click HERE.

How do I create an event?

Only Team Organizers can create events.

Team Organizers can click “Create An Event” on the Right Hand Menu, under Ways to Help. They will be taken to an event post. Choose the type of event you wish to create, and fill in the details. Click the “Create Event” button to enter the event onto the team page.

I signed up to take food (or help with any task) but now cannot do it on that date.

Go to the Calendar for your team. Select the task you signed up to do and then click on the “Leave Event” button. The task will be active on the calendar for someone else to sign up. If the task is happening in the very near future, you may want to contact the organizer and let them know you can no longer do the task so they can make other arrangements, if necessary. You may now go back onto the Calendar and select a new day to help.